
3 days ago
Lucian's Pride
3 days ago
3 days ago
In this week's episode, Dennis Jernigan shares the story behind his song, "Lucian's Pride", from the album "The Chronicles of Bren: Captured – Songs for the Journey". That mp3 is available at https://www.thechroniclesofbren.com/store/captured-songs-for-the-journey-album/ The lyrics can be found below.
You can join Dennis and the people of All In All Church for live-stream worship on the first Wednesday evening of each month. Just go to https://www.facebook.com/therealdennisjernigan at 7 PM CST. Mark it in your calendar. Worship with All in All Church - First Wednesday of each month.
Daily Devotions for Kingdom Seekers, Vol. 3 is available at https://www.amazon.com/Daily-Devotions-Kingdom-Seekers-Vol-ebook/dp/B081K8TZLX
Check out my Patreon page at https://www.patreon.com/DennisJernigan and read through the various tiers of support and discover the myriad of benefits you will receive based on the level of support you choose. If you're willing, go ahead and sign up!
Welcome to The Dennis Jernigan Podcast, where we aim to challenge your perspective on life. Life is a precious gift, but let's be real— it often comes with its share of pain. Whether it's physical, emotional, mental, or relational, we all encounter moments of sorrow and suffering. Life can feel anything but fair, right? That's why this podcast is here to guide you towards healing, hope, intimacy, and refuge from life's storms, ultimately fostering a deeper connection with Jesus. Through all my years, one thing is certain: God doesn't waste a thing. Not our struggles, not our wounds, not even our failures.
Hey there, I'm Dennis Jernigan, your host, and I'm thrilled (and maybe a tad nervous) to share today's song and its backstory with you. As I mentioned last week, my apprehension stems from the fact that I typically share stories behind worship and ministry songs, but today's song was inspired by a fantasy novel series I penned for my kids and grandkids back in 2015. You might wonder, "Why is a worship leader writing about a fantasy world?"
I won't recap all the details here, but if you tune in from the episode "Riding the Wind" to "Ollieman’s Song," you'll understand why these songs are significant. The truth is, the Lord used fantasy and myth to anchor my unwavering faith in Jesus Christ.
On this week's episode, I'm excited to share the song "Lucian's Pride," which I penned for my book "Captured," the first installment in The Chronicles of Bren Trilogy. This book is my life story told through allegory, serving as a legacy for my children and grandchildren. As I crafted these books, I couldn't help but imagine what they would sound like if they were turned into Disney movies. While I managed to create songs for the first two books, I never quite got around to composing for the third. That final book delves into my vision for my nine children, whose real-life tales are still unfolding. They'll have to write their own songs, quite literally.
Now, here's the exciting part—I have fantastic news to share! You can not only listen to but also download the entire album for book one, "Captured - Songs For the Journey," completely free of charge. Simply head over to www.thechroniclesofbren.com to access it. I highly recommend reading "Captured" first and then immersing yourself in the songs inspired by each main character. This album aims to empower young men to transcend their flaws, failures, and the enemy's lies, embracing their true identity as defined by God.
Let's delve into "Lucian's Pride," a song that came to me around 2015 or 2016. Lucian, the story's antagonist, embodies the evil that exists in our world. I see Lucian as a representation of Lucifer, both names—Lucian meaning 'Light' and Lucifer meaning 'Shining One'—initially appearing as beacons of light but concealing darkness and malevolence within. Just like in the story of Captured, I, too, faced adversity in my youth, including sexual abuse and ridicule for my creative nature. Despite these challenges, I chose to view them from a higher perspective—the Lord's perspective—allowing me to emerge as an overcomer who sees setbacks as stepping stones to greater things. I overcame the hurts of my childhood and I actually allegorically incorporated them into the book series The Chronicles of Bren: Captured and The Chronicles of Bren: Sacrifice.
Lucian symbolizes the enduring concept that redemption is always within reach, irrespective of our past mistakes. As we're taught in God's word, Lucifer, the devil, is a master deceiver who seeks the downfall of every human. He prowls around like a roaring lion, aiming to devour with his deceit. But let me assure you, based on personal experience, our past failures don't define us. True failure only occurs when someone stumbles and chooses not to rise and continue on the path toward Jesus. This song offers a glimpse into Satan's tactics, shedding light on how he navigates the human mind. His goal is to inflate our pride to the point where we believe ourselves to be gods. Let's reject the lies and embrace the truth of who God says we are. "Lucian's Pride" stirs within me a righteous anger towards the enemy of God, having witnessed many individuals liberated from his falsehoods, reborn through Jesus.
It echoes the deceptive whispers of the Liar—Lucifer—that haunted me in my youth and early adulthood, evoking that same anger. The thought of countless children falling victim to his lies fuels my determination to share these stories far and wide, especially with the youth. We need to remember that. My wish is that this song will help them see through the deception as they engage with the book and its music. Let's tune in and see if the song uncovers any falsehoods we've embraced about ourselves. I'll be listening closely alongside you. Let's press play and delve in…
1 Peter 5:8-11 NIV says 8 Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 9 Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings. 10 And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. 11 To him be the power for ever and ever. Amen.
The enemy may parade around like a ferocious lion, but in truth, he's a toothless predator whose sole strength lies in deception. When we anchor ourselves in the truth of God's Word, standing resolute, fear has no place, for Jesus has already triumphed over the enemy's deceit through the cross and the redemptive power of His blood. As 2 Corinthians 11:14 NIV tells us, Satan cloaks himself as an angel of light.
So, where should we seek unwavering truth—from fallible human wisdom claiming enlightenment or from the infallible Word of God? The answer is clear: Jesus, the embodiment of God's living Word!
Thank you for joining me today on The Dennis Jernigan Podcast. For more about me, my journey, or my music, explore dennisjernigan.com. Connect with me on Facebook and Instagram, and find my music on various streaming platforms. And if you're keen on being part of the team, consider becoming a Patron at Patreon.com/dennisjernigan. Your support means the world to me!
To download an mp3 of this week's track, "Lucian's Pride," from the book "Captured: The Chronicles of Bren Trilogy: Book 1," head to www.thechroniclesofbren.com for free listening and downloads. "Captured" is available on Amazon in paperback, ebook, and audiobook versions. Dive into the book, then immerse yourself in the character-inspired songs.
Thank you once more for tuning in today. Remember, God's love surrounds you. It's time to heed the call and embrace your warrior spirit for God's kingdom. Shed the enemy's lies, don the truth of your identity in Christ, and step into the fullness of who your Heavenly Father declares you to be.
Lucian’s Pride
Dennis Jernigan
Who do you think you are?
The son of a King
Doesn’t mean anything
Who do you think you are?
Who do you think you are?
You have all you need
But when you’re cut you still bleed
Who do you think you are?
Deep inside you’re so prideful
So arrogant and snide
Think so highly of yourself
From such a lofty height
In your heart you’re the greatest
‘Cause Daddy is the King
You are just a sniveling boy
But to me you’re nothing
I will bring you down
Cut you down to size
Take away the arrogance
That clouds your royal eyes
I will make you see
The things you refuse to see
Who you really are is really nothing
Soon enough you’ll see
You are less than me
Less than me
Who do you think you are?
Honorable son
The privileged one
Who do you think you are?
Who do you think you are?
You have so much
It leaves your heart out of touch
Just who do you think you are?
Deep inside you’re so prideful
So arrogant and snide
Think so highly of yourself
From such a lofty height
In your heart you’re the greatest
‘Cause Daddy is the King
You are just a sniveling boy
But to me you’re nothing
I will bring you down
Cut you down to size
Take away the arrogance
That clouds your royal eyes
I will make you see
The things you refuse to see
Who you really are is really nothing
Soon enough you’ll see
You are less than me
I am the rightful heir to that throne
Soon enough the truth will be known
I am but one breath from all I dreamed
All that stands in my way is one boy
Soon the King will fall for my ploy
I am but one death from being king
And I will bring you down
Cut you down to size
Take away the arrogance
That clouds your royal eye
I will make you see
The things you refuse to see
Who you really are is really nothing
But soon enough you’ll see
You are less than me
Less than me

Monday Mar 17, 2025
Ollieman's Song
Monday Mar 17, 2025
Monday Mar 17, 2025
In this week's episode, Dennis Jernigan shares the story behind his song, "Ollieman's Song", from the album "The Chronicles of Bren: Captured – Songs for the Journey". That mp3 is available at https://www.thechroniclesofbren.com/store/captured-songs-for-the-journey-album/ The lyrics can be found below.
You can join Dennis and the people of All In All Church for live-stream worship on the first Wednesday evening of each month. Just go to https://www.facebook.com/therealdennisjernigan at 7 PM CST. Mark it in your calendar. Worship with All in All Church - First Wednesday of each month.
Daily Devotions for Kingdom Seekers, Vol. 3 is available at https://www.amazon.com/Daily-Devotions-Kingdom-Seekers-Vol-ebook/dp/B081K8TZLX
Check out my Patreon page at https://www.patreon.com/DennisJernigan and read through the various tiers of support and discover the myriad of benefits you will receive based on the level of support you choose. If you're willing, go ahead and sign up!
Welcome to The Dennis Jernigan Podcast, where we aim to offer you a fresh perspective on life.
Life, as we all know, is a precious gift intertwined with moments of pain - be it physical, emotional, mental, or relational. Let's face it, life's journey can feel like a bumpy ride with its fair share of sorrow and suffering. Sometimes, it just doesn't seem fair, right? But here, we keep it real. Our mission is to guide you towards healing for your wounds, hope in despair, intimacy in loneliness, and shelter from life's storms - ultimately leading you to a deeper connection with Jesus. Through all my years, one truth stands firm: God doesn't waste a thing - not our sorrows, not our wounds, not even our failures.
Hello, I'm your host, Dennis Jernigan, thrilled yet slightly nervous to unveil today's song and, what I think is, its fascinating backstory. As I mentioned last week, my apprehension stems from the fact that while you're accustomed to hearing me share worship, ministry, and comforting songs inspired by Father God, today's song has a different origin. It draws inspiration from a trilogy of fantasy novels I penned for my children and grandchildren back in 2015. You might be wondering, "Why would a worship leader delve into the realm of fantasy?" To get the full scoop, tune in to the podcast episode titled "Song of Arolis."
Intriguingly, the Lord used fantasy and myth to deepen my unwavering faith in Jesus Christ.
The featured song in this week's episode is "Ollieman's Song," originally crafted for the book "Captured" from The Chronicles of Bren Trilogy. "Captured" serves as my life story, narrated allegorically as a legacy for my descendants. While penning the books, I couldn't help but imagine how they would translate into a Disney movie. I managed to compose songs for the first two books but never quite got around to creating tunes for the final installment. That third book delves into my aspirations for my nine children, whose real-life tales are still unfolding - they will ultimately script their own melodies.
Before we delve further, I have fantastic news to share. You can access and even download the entire album dedicated to book one, "Captured - Songs For the Journey," completely free of charge at www.thechroniclesofbren.com. I urge you to immerse yourself in the "Captured" book before delving into the songs inspired by its key characters. This album aims to empower young men to rise above their setbacks, failures, and the deceitful whispers of the enemy, enabling them to embrace their true identity in God.
Today's spotlight is on "Ollieman's Song," a creation that found its way to me back in 2015 or 2016.In The Chronicles of Bren series, a prominent figure is a wise old owl named Ollieman. Wondering why? Well, during my childhood, our family owned an old barn, crafted by my grandfather in the 1930s and 1940s, boasting a magnificent hay loft. Every year, like clockwork, this barn played host to majestic barn owls. Each spring, a new generation of owlets would hatch, fiercely guarded by their mother who would not tolerate any intrusion, warning us with menacing hisses if we dared to peek into their nest! Those owls became a recurring dream of mine, a reminder of the wonder of having our very own owl neighbors!
In the tale of "Captured," the owl symbolizes unwavering friendship and embodies true wisdom. Opting for an owl was a deliberate choice, considering the bird's reputation for wisdom in the western world, attributed to its distinct features like large, front-facing eyes, noiseless flight, and nocturnal activities. Owls seem to communicate only when essential, mirroring the sentiment of Proverbs 7:28 NKJV, which suggests that even a fool can appear wise by choosing silence and discernment. I aim to leave a legacy of wisdom for my family, recognizing the allure of petty self-centeredness. Genuine wisdom stems from adopting a positive outlook, akin to an owl soaring above, navigating darkness with clarity. It's crucial for us to commit to seeking true wisdom throughout our lives, fostering personal growth. If you notice a rhyme scheme in Ollie's dialogue, that's just my inner songwriter shining through.
In "Captured," I delve into my early longing for meaningful companionship, rooted in the desire to be truly understood. This quest led me to discover that connection in Jesus. "Ollieman's Song" exudes a cheerful vibe that might linger in your mind throughout the day - consider yourself warned if it becomes an earworm. Embrace it, enjoy it, and let the melody uplift your spirits.
God’s Word explains love and friendship to us in John 15:13 NKJV 13 which says "Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends.”
Ollieman the owl serves as a poignant representation of Jesus, encouraging us to gain a divine perspective on life's challenges. By aligning ourselves with God's vantage point, we unlock the pathway to genuine wisdom. May this insight guide you not only today but in the days that follow.
Before I say goodbye, let me share a few ways to keep up with me. I appreciate your presence on The Dennis Jernigan Podcast more than you know and I want you to know that.
For more on my journey, music, and updates, explore dennisjernigan.com. Connect with me on Facebook and Instagram, and discover my music on various streaming platforms. If you're eager to join my team, consider becoming a Patron at patreon.com/dennisjernigan - your support is truly valued!
To obtain an mp3 of this week's track, "Ollieman's Song" from the book "Captured: The Chronicles of Bren Trilogy: Book 1," visit www.thechroniclesofbren.com for a complimentary listen or free download. I think the songs will prove to be very helpful as you read and take part in the journey found in the boo, “Captured”.
"Captured" is also accessible on Amazon in paperback, ebook, and audiobook formats. I recommend delving into the book before immersing yourself in the character-inspired songs.
Thank you once again for being part of today's podcast. Always remember, you are cherished by God and by me. Embrace the challenge to rise up as a wise warrior for the kingdom today and dare befriending someone who may need a friend today…and while you’re at it, go and be who your Heavenly Father says you are.
Ollieman’s Song
Dennis Jernigan
Who? Who?
Who is a friend like you?
Who? Who?
Who would dare defend like you?
Who can ride the wind
Faithful to the end like you?
Who? Who?
Who is so wise like you?
Who? Who?
Who can see through lies like you?
Who would give his life
Flying through the night like you?
Ollieman, fly
High into the sky!
Lead me through the night
With your all-seeing eye!
I will follow you wherever you lead!
Ollieman, soar!
There is always more!
Lead me to the wisdom
That’s worth dying for!
I will follow you wherever you lead!
You’re a friend indeed!
Who? Who?
Who has a friend like mine?
Who? Who?
Who above the clouds can fly!
Faithful through the trials!
Faithful through the miles like you!
Who? Who?
Who wise and oh, so bold!
Who? Who?
Whose heart is pure as gold?
Who could be a friend
Faithful to the end like you?
Ollieman, fly
High into the sky!
Lead me through the night
With your all-seeing eye!
I will follow you wherever you lead!
Ollieman, soar!
There is always more!
Lead me to the wisdom
That’s worth dying for!
I will follow you wherever you lead!
You’re a friend indeed!
I have never met
Anybody yet
Who is really quite like you!
Singing out in rhyme
At the perfect time
Like you do!
I have never heard
Any other bird
Who is really quite like you!
Always quite astute!
I get quite a hoot
Out of knowing you!
So, Ollieman, fly
High into the sky!
Lead me through the night
With your all-seeing eye!
I will follow you wherever you lead!
Ollieman, soar!
There is always more!
Lead me to the wisdom
That’s worth dying for!
I will follow you wherever you lead!
You’re a friend indeed!
Yes, you’re a friend indeed!
You’re a friend indeed!

Monday Mar 10, 2025
Song of Arolis
Monday Mar 10, 2025
Monday Mar 10, 2025
In this week's episode, Dennis Jernigan shares the story behind his song, "Song of Arolis", from the album "The Chronicles of Bren: Captured – Songs for the Journey". That mp3 is available at https://www.thechroniclesofbren.com/store/captured-songs-for-the-journey-album/ The lyrics can be found below.
You can join Dennis and the people of All In All Church for live-stream worship on the first Wednesday evening of each month. Just go to https://www.facebook.com/therealdennisjernigan at 7 PM CST. Mark it in your calendar. Worship with All in All Church - First Wednesday of each month.
Daily Devotions for Kingdom Seekers, Vol. 3 is available at https://www.amazon.com/Daily-Devotions-Kingdom-Seekers-Vol-ebook/dp/B081K8TZLX
Check out my Patreon page at https://www.patreon.com/DennisJernigan and read through the various tiers of support and discover the myriad of benefits you will receive based on the level of support you choose. If you're willing, go ahead and sign up!
Welcome to the Dennis Jernigan podcast, a platform designed to offer you a fresh perspective on life. Life, undeniably, presents us with a myriad of challenges - be it physical, emotional, mental, or relational pain. Let's be real, life can be tough and unfair at times. But here's the thing - amidst the struggles, there is room for healing, hope, intimacy, and solace. This podcast aims to guide you towards a deeper connection with Jesus by helping you navigate through life's twists and turns with grace and faith.
I'm Dennis Jernigan, your host, and today, I'm thrilled yet slightly nervous to dive into the story behind a unique song. While I usually share songs of worship and ministry, today's song was born from a trilogy of fantasy novels I penned for my loved ones in 2015. You might wonder, "Why would a worship leader venture into the realm of fantasy storytelling?”
I won't rehash what was discussed in the previous episode, so if you want the backstory, check out the two previous podcasts titled “Riding the Wind” and “Warrior." They shed light on why these songs hold significance for me. It's fascinating how the Lord used fantasy and myth to deepen my unwavering faith in Jesus Christ. Now, let's dive into the heart of this episode—the "Song of Arolis," a track I composed for the book "Captured," the first installment of The Chronicles of Bren Trilogy.
This book serves as an allegorical recounting of my life, intended as a legacy for my descendants. While crafting the novels, I couldn't help but imagine how these stories would translate into a Disney movie soundtrack. I managed to complete the songs for the first two books, but the third remains unwritten, reflecting my vision for my nine children, whose real-life tales are still unfolding. They will have to pen their own melodies.
Here's a piece of exciting news: you can now enjoy the entire album inspired by book one, "Captured - Songs For the Journey," available on www.thechroniclesofbren.com. I urge you to delve into the book "Captured" first, then savor the songs intricately linked to each main character. Interestingly, the song list is in reverse order, prompting you to listen from bottom to top and sync each track with its corresponding chapter. Simply hit play and let the music speak to your soul. This album is a beacon of encouragement, inspiring young men to rise above their flaws, failures, and the enemy's deceit, embracing their true identity as defined by God.
Introducing today's featured song, the captivating "Song of Arolis," a melody that found its way to me around 2015 or 2016. Let's delve into the world of Arolis—a name intertwined with my lifelong equine companions. From my early days, horses have been a significant part of my life. Picture this: Spot, my first pony, tragically met his end in a car accident, leaving me heartbroken. Then there was Big Red, my father's sturdy, red-coated horse whose name was as straightforward as his appearance. And who could forget Silver, the mischievous pony intent on testing my riding skills by attempting to dislodge me near fences and trees? But it was Robin, our spirited Welsh pony, that sparked endless adventures. Tethered to a red wagon, Robin would gleefully pull my siblings and me at breakneck speed across our farm, pushing the wagon to its limits, requiring regular repairs from my dad's welding skills.
Amidst these tales of equine antics, one horse stood out—Sugar. This noble gelding, my faithful companion from boyhood to my senior year in high school, was more than just a horse; he was a trusted friend. Together, Sugar and I roamed the countryside, forging unforgettable memories. We swam, fished, raced, and herded cattle, all while building an unbreakable bond of trust and camaraderie. Every Saturday, I'd ride Sugar into town, collecting and selling pop bottles along the way to earn enough for a well-deserved burger. With Sugar, I could perform daring feats, including mounting him mid-run from behind, a display of mutual trust and companionship. As I crafted the character of Arolis, the beloved horse of Prince Leonolis, all these cherished moments flooded back, inspiring a tale where a boy on horseback can embody a warrior, an explorer, a hero, and soar with the wind—all at once.
Let's unravel the multifaceted essence of Arolis, a name that carries profound meanings of commitment, promise, truth-seeking, and wisdom. In a deeply personal context, Arolis, among other characters in the narrative, embodies the Holy Spirit and the embodiment of authentic friendship.
Reflecting on my own journey, I yearned for a steadfast companion, someone with whom I could share my deepest thoughts and who would stand by me through life's trials. This longing persisted through my school years and into college until a transformative moment when I encountered Jesus, who became that unwavering friend I had always sought. Through Him, I discovered the presence of the Holy Spirit as a comforting guide, offering solace in times of turmoil and unwavering honesty, even in the depths of solitude that marked my early years.
Within the pages of "Captured," the character Leonolis experiences the remarkable ability to engage in conversations of thought with Arolis, a revelation that initially surprises him but eventually becomes a wellspring of vitality and resilience as the plot unfolds. This song encapsulates the yearning of a boy to be truly understood, a desire to both seek and be seen in the rawness of his being. Let’s listen.
[Jhn 15:26-27 NKJV] 26 "But when the Helper comes, whom I shall send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, He will testify of Me. 27 "And you also will bear witness, because you have been with Me from the beginning.
Arolis symbolizes a steadfast companion, a loyal helper, and an unwavering friend to Leonolis, mirroring the role that the Holy Spirit has played in my own life's journey.
I wholeheartedly recommend delving into the pages of "Captured: The Chronicles of Bren Trilogy, Book 1" and immersing yourself in each song as it intertwines with the characters within the storyline. I firmly believe that through imaginative storytelling, God can utilize these narratives to inspire us to anchor ourselves in the unshakeable truths of Jesus Christ and His word.
The process of crafting these books proved to be a cathartic and liberating experience for my heart and mind, offering me fresh perspectives on the twists, turns, heartaches, and failures that have shaped my life. My aspiration is that these tales will similarly resonate with you, providing moments of reflection and insight.
For a deeper exploration of the enchanting realm of Bren, to discover songs inspired by its tales, to uncover the origins of specific characters, and to view original character sketches handcrafted by yours truly, venture over to www.thechroniclesofbren.com. Yes, you heard it right, www.thechroniclesofbren.com.
As an added treat, the lyrics of today's highlighted song can be found in the podcast notes below. I appreciate your presence on The Dennis Jernigan Podcast. To learn more about my personal journey, my music, and the stories behind them, pay a visit to dennisjernigan.com. You can connect with me on Facebook and Instagram, and enjoy my music on various streaming platforms. For those eager to join my team, consider becoming a Patron at Patreon.com/dennisjernigan. Your support is truly valued! To acquire an mp3 of this week's enchanting melody, "Song of Arolis," featured in the book "Captured: The Chronicles of Bren Trilogy: Book 1," simply direct your steps to www.thechroniclesofbren.com, as this exclusive track is not available on mainstream streaming services - yet.
Discover the captivating world of "Captured" available in paperback, ebook, and audiobook formats at https://www.amazon.com
Your presence on today's podcast is deeply appreciated. Always remember, you are cherished by God and by me. Embrace the challenge to step into the role of a valiant warrior for the kingdom you are destined to be a part of today. Embrace your identity as defined by your Heavenly Father, and go forth to embody the truth of who you are meant to be…an overcomer!
Dennis Jernigan
Song of Arolis
Dennis Jernigan
Can you hear me?
I am but of man
Can someone like You ever understand?
Yet, I can hear You
When You think my name
Horse and boy
Two wild hearts never tamed
Arolis, I trust You with my heart and soul
I trust You, my Friend
Arolis, I trust You with my very life
Let us ride and conquer the wind
Will You go where
I go, come what my?
Will You carry me to the end of day?
The horizon far seems
To call out our name
Let us ride for the King
To break of day
Arolis, I trust You with my heart and soul
I trust You, my Friend
Arolis, I trust You with my very life
Let us ride and conquer the wind
In the name of the King
And in the name of the realm
Let us fly! Let us fly! Let us fly!
Over mountain and stream
Through the dark forested veil
Let us ride! Let us ride! Let us ride!
Arolis, I trust You with my heart and soul
I trust You, my Friend
Arolis, I trust You with my very life
Let us ride! Oh, let us conquer the wind

Monday Mar 03, 2025
Monday Mar 03, 2025
Monday Mar 03, 2025
In this week's episode, Dennis Jernigan shares the story behind his song, "Warrior", from the album "The Chronicles of Bren: Captured – Songs for the Journey". That mp3 is available at https://www.thechroniclesofbren.com/store/captured-songs-for-the-journey-album/ The lyrics can be found below.
You can join Dennis and the people of All In All Church for live-stream worship on the first Wednesday evening of each month. Just go to https://www.facebook.com/therealdennisjernigan at 7 PM CST. Mark it in your calendar. Worship with All in All Church - First Wednesday of each month.
Daily Devotions for Kingdom Seekers, Vol. 3 is available at https://www.amazon.com/Daily-Devotions-Kingdom-Seekers-Vol-ebook/dp/B081K8TZLX
Check out my Patreon page at https://www.patreon.com/DennisJernigan and read through the various tiers of support and discover the myriad of benefits you will receive based on the level of support you choose. If you're willing, go ahead and sign up!
The song I am sharing on this week’s episode is called “Warrior”, a song I wrote for the book “Captured (Book 1 in the The Chronicles of Bren Trilogy). “Captured” is my life story written in allegory as a legacy to my children and grandchildren. As I wrote the books, I envisioned what it might sound like if Disney ever made a movie about them. I completed the songs or the first two books but never got around to writing songs for book three. That book is about my vision for my 9 children…and their real-life stories are still being written. They will need to write their own songs.
On that matter, before I go on, I have some great news. You can listen to the entire album for book one. It is called “Captured - Songs For the Journey” and it can be found on the website www.thechroniclesofbren.com. I encourage you to read the book “Captured” and then listen to the songs inspired by each of the main characters. For some reason, the song list is in reverse order, which means you need to listen from bottom to top. Try not to listen to each song until you are reading the chapter it goes with. You can simply click on the play button and hear the entire song. This album is meant to encourage young men to look past their shortcomings and failures and the lies of the enemy and see and be who God says they are.
Today’s song is called “Warrior” and it came to me sometime in 2015 or 2016. It is a massively hard-charging rock song meant to stir up the man that resides in every little boy. It was inspired by my childhood am my own lack of belief that I could ever be a man…that I was something less than a man…that other men considered me a sissy and a failure…and that I was certainly not a warrior.
But God had other plans for me. When I had given up on seeing myself as a real man, the Lord met me in that place of defeat and began to defend me against the lies of the enemy. He gave me a brand new identity and then he taught me how to be the warrior he calls every man to be. He called me to battle and to wage war against the lies of the enemy and he equipped me with the weapons of spiritual warfare and with the armor of God.
In the book “Captured”, Prince Leonolis finds himself taking part in the traditional rite of passage from boyhood into manhood but finds himself suddenly faced with the loss of his best friend and leads to him ultimately being captured by the deceiver, Lucian. Leonolis was held captive by the Liar, just as I was held captive by the liar in my real life as a boy. This song came about as a clarion call from the prince’s father and from his mentor to believe and receive who he was truly called to be. As I listen to it now after all these years, it gets my blood flowing and charges my spiritual batteries. Are you ready? Hold on to your seats!
2 Corinthians 2:14 NIV says 14 But thanks be to God, who always leads us as captives in Christ's triumphal procession and uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of him everywhere.
2 Corinthians 2:14 NASB says 14 But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us reveals the fragrance of the knowledge of Him in every place.
As believers in Christ and as his followers, we have been given the heart of a triumphant warrior. Let us never pull away from the truth, but rather let us walk in the reality of what it means to be an Overcomer. yes, we were all once captured in sin and captured by the lies of the enemy, but when we were born again, that all changed. We were changed. Let’s walk in victory today.
I encourage you to read the book “Captured: the Chronicles of Bren Trilogy, Book 1” and then listen to each song as its character is introduced in the storyline. It is my belief that God can and will use imaginative storytelling to encourage us to stand on the firm foundation of Jesus Christ and his word.
The writing of these books proved to be cathartic and freeing to my heart and mind and helped me see my life and its many twists and turns, heartaches and failures, from a different point of view. My hope is the they would serve to do the same for you.
To learn more about the mystical land of Bren, hear songs inspired by the stories of Bren, learn how certain characters were inspired, and to see original character sketches created by yours truly, go to www.thechroniclesofbren.com. One more time, that’s www.thechroniclesofbren.com
As a bonus, I will include the lyrics from today’s song in the podcast notes below.
He’s a warrior in the kingdom
That’s what they’ve told him
Since he was a boy
He’s a warrior in the kingdom
And that to lay down his life
Would be his honor and joy
His honor and joy
He’s a warrior in the kingdom
And now the darkness has come
But will he know what to do?
Oh, he’s warrior in the kingdom
Though he may be just a boy
The man inside’s coming through
Heart of a man breaking through
And now the fight has come to him
It’s up to him to sink or swim
And now the fight has come to him
But does he know that deep inside
That he is destined to win
Oh, ride, boy! Ride into the fight!
Ride, boy! Ride with all your might!
Ride, boy! Ride with the heart of a warrior!
Ride, boy! Ride for what is right!
Ride, boy! Laying down your life!
Ride, boy! Ride with the heart of a warrior!
The heart of a warrior! Yeah!
He’s a warrior in the kingdom
And now his friend is in need
In need of one to defend
Oh, he’s a warrior in the kingdom
And what is love if not laying
Down one’s life for a friend?
His life for a friend
He’s a warrior in the kingdom
And now he takes up his sword
Not knowing what he might see
Oh, he’s a warrior in the kingdom
And whether knowing or not
He rides into destiny
Right into his destiny
And now the fight has come to him
It’s up to him to sink or swim
And now the fight has come to him
But does he know that deep inside
That he is destined to win
Oh, ride, boy! Ride into the fight!
Ride, boy! Ride with all your might!
Ride, boy! Ride with the heart of a warrior!
Ride, boy! Ride for what is right!
Ride, boy! Laying down your life!
Ride, boy! Ride with the heart of a warrior!
He’d go through darkness!
He’d go through flame!
He knows that his friend would do the same!
Though others see him as just a boy
He rides with honor!
He rides with joy for his friend!
For the Kingdom!
In the name of the King and for his friend!
Ride, boy! Ride into the fight!
Ride, boy! Ride with all your might!
Ride, boy! Ride with the heart of a warrior!
Ride, boy! Ride for what is right!
Ride, boy! Laying down your life!
Ride, boy! Ride with the heart of a warrior!
The heart of a warrior!

Monday Feb 24, 2025
Riding the Wind
Monday Feb 24, 2025
Monday Feb 24, 2025
In this week's episode, Dennis Jernigan shares the story behind his song, "Riding the Wind", from the album "The Chronicles of Bren: Captured – Songs for the Journey". That mp3 is available at https://www.thechroniclesofbren.com/store/captured-songs-for-the-journey-album/ The lyrics can be found below.
You can join Dennis and the people of All In All Church for live-stream worship on the first Wednesday evening of each month. Just go to https://www.facebook.com/therealdennisjernigan at 7 PM CST. Mark it in your calendar. Worship with All in All Church - First Wednesday of each month.
Daily Devotions for Kingdom Seekers, Vol. 3 is available at https://www.amazon.com/Daily-Devotions-Kingdom-Seekers-Vol-ebook/dp/B081K8TZLX
Check out my Patreon page at https://www.patreon.com/DennisJernigan and read through the various tiers of support and discover the myriad of benefits you will receive based on the level of support you choose. If you're willing, go ahead and sign up!
Riding the Wind
Dennis Jernigan
Little boy lost
Little boy alone
Little boy gone far from home
Little boy journey
Just what will he see?
And when he finally gets there
What will he be?
He’s becoming the man
He always dreamed he would be
No longer bound by the world
His eyes are opened to see
To see and believe his destiny
This adventure is calling to the boy,
“Come and see!
Come fight the battles of men
That set the little boy free
To see and believe his destiny!”
And he goes riding the wind
In the name of the King
It will take him as far as he can dream
And he goes riding the wind
And the wind calls his name,
“Son, come be free!”
Once he goes riding the wind
The boy is no longer seen
For he’s becoming the man
He’s called to be
“Son, come riding the wind,
The wind of destiny!”
Little boy captured
Prisoner of the world
Deep into the darkness
He is hurled
Fighting for his honor
Fighting for his life
Fighting for the Kingdom
Through the night
He’s becoming the man
He always dreamed he would be
No longer bound by the world
His eyes are opened to see
To see and believe his destiny
This adventure is calling to the boy,
“Come and see!
Come fight the battles of men
That set the little boy free
To see and believe his destiny!”
And he goes riding the wind
In the name of the King
It will take him as far as he can dream
He goes riding the wind
And the wind calls his name,
“Son, come be free!”
Once he goes riding the wind
The boy is no longer seen
For he’s becoming the man
He’s called to be
“Son, come riding the wind,
Riding the wind of destiny!”
And he goes riding the wind
In the name of the King
It will take him as far as he can dream
He goes riding the wind
And the wind calls his name,
“Son, come be free!”
Once he goes riding the wind
The boy is no longer seen
For he’s becoming the man
He’s called to be
“Son, come riding the wind,
Riding the wind of destiny!”

Monday Feb 17, 2025
It's Gonna Be Alright
Monday Feb 17, 2025
Monday Feb 17, 2025
In this week's episode, Dennis Jernigan shares the story behind his song, It's Gonna Be Alright from the album Kingdom Come/. That mp3 is available at most streaming services.
You can join Dennis and the people of All In All Church for live-stream worship on the first Wednesday evening of each month. Just go to https://www.facebook.com/therealdennisjernigan at 7 PM CST. Mark it in your calendar. Worship with All in All Church - First Wednesday of each month.
Daily Devotions for Kingdom Seekers, Vol. 3 is available at https://www.amazon.com/Daily-Devotions-Kingdom-Seekers-Vol-ebook/dp/B081K8TZLX
Check out my Patreon page at https://www.patreon.com/DennisJernigan and read through the various tiers of support and discover the myriad of benefits you will receive based on the level of support you choose. If you're willing, go ahead and sign up!

Monday Feb 10, 2025
O, The Glory Medley
Monday Feb 10, 2025
Monday Feb 10, 2025
In this week's episode, Dennis Jernigan shares the story behind his songs, O, The Glory, With A Shout Of Glory, and I Will Celebrate Your Presence, from his recording, Worshiper's Collection, Volume 1. You can purchase or stream this medley of songs on most major streaming platforms.
You can join Dennis and the people of All In All Church for live-stream worship on the first Wednesday evening of each month. Just go to https://www.facebook.com/therealdennisjernigan at 7 PM CST. Mark it in your calendar. Worship with All in All Church - First Wednesday of each month.
Daily Devotions for Kingdom Seekers, Vol. 3 is available at https://www.amazon.com/Daily-Devotions-Kingdom-Seekers-Vol-ebook/dp/B081K8TZLX
Check out my Patreon page at https://www.patreon.com/DennisJernigan and read through the various tiers of support and discover the myriad of benefits you will receive based on the level of support you choose. If you're willing, go ahead and sign up!

Monday Feb 03, 2025
A Shoulder to Cry On
Monday Feb 03, 2025
Monday Feb 03, 2025
In this week's episode, Dennis Jernigan shares the story behind his song, A Shoulder to Cry On, I Will Trust You. That mp3 is available at most streaming services.
You can join Dennis and the people of All In All Church for live-stream worship on the first Wednesday evening of each month. Just go to https://www.facebook.com/therealdennisjernigan at 7 PM CST. Mark it in your calendar. Worship with All in All Church - First Wednesday of each month.
Daily Devotions for Kingdom Seekers, Vol. 3 is available at https://www.amazon.com/Daily-Devotions-Kingdom-Seekers-Vol-ebook/dp/B081K8TZLX
Check out my Patreon page at https://www.patreon.com/DennisJernigan and read through the various tiers of support and discover the myriad of benefits you will receive based on the level of support you choose. If you're willing, go ahead and sign up!

Monday Jan 27, 2025
The Middle of Nowhere Encore
Monday Jan 27, 2025
Monday Jan 27, 2025
In this week's episode, Dennis Jernigan shares the story behind his song, The Middle of Nowhere, from his recording, The Middle of Nowhere. That mp3 is available at https://dennisjernigan.com/store/product.php?c=24&p=2217 or on iTunes. This is an encore presentation of this song because Dennis loves it so much!
You can join Dennis and the people of All In All Church for live-stream worship on the first Wednesday evening of each month. Just go to https://www.facebook.com/therealdennisjernigan at 7 PM CST. Mark it in your calendar. Worship with All in All Church - First Wednesday of each month.
Daily Devotions for Kingdom Seekers, Vol. 3 is available at https://www.amazon.com/Daily-Devotions-Kingdom-Seekers-Vol-ebook/dp/B081K8TZLX
Check out my Patreon page at https://www.patreon.com/DennisJernigan and read through the various tiers of support and discover the myriad of benefits you will receive based on the level of support you choose. If you're willing, go ahead and sign up!

Monday Jan 20, 2025
Oh, Give Thanks
Monday Jan 20, 2025
Monday Jan 20, 2025
In this week's episode, Dennis Jernigan shares the story behind his song, Oh, Give Thanks, from his recording, Sanctuary. That mp3 is available for downloading or streaming on most streaming services.
You can join Dennis and the people of All In All Church for live-stream worship on the first Wednesday evening of each month. Just go to https://www.facebook.com/therealdennisjernigan at 7 PM CST. Mark it in your calendar. Worship with All in All Church - First Wednesday of each month.
Daily Devotions for Kingdom Seekers, Vol. 3 is available at https://www.amazon.com/Daily-Devotions-Kingdom-Seekers-Vol-ebook/dp/B081K8TZLX
Check out my Patreon page at https://www.patreon.com/DennisJernigan and read through the various tiers of support and discover the myriad of benefits you will receive based on the level of support you choose. If you're willing, go ahead and sign up!